the gypsum
The mineral gypsum is a calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O), which occurs in different regions of the world and has a wide and diversified field of uses. The great interest in gypsum is attributed to a peculiar characteristic that consists in the ease of dehydration and rehydration. Gypsum loses 3/4 of the water of crystallization during the calcination process, converting it to calcium hemihydrate sulfate (CaSO4.1/2H2O) which, when mixed with water, can be molded and worked before hardening and acquiring the mechanical consistency of the rehydrated stable form.
gypsum powder

Gypsum can be used in natural or calcined form.
The natural shape is widely used in agriculture and cement industry. While the calcined form, known as plaster, finds several uses in civil construction, as an orthopedic or dental material, etc.
O Estado de Pernambuco, que possui reservas abundantes de gipsita na região do Sertão do Araripe, involving the municipalities of Araripina, Bodocó, Ipubi, Ouricuri and Trindade, is responsible for 95% of Brazilian production. The Araripe deposits are considered the best quality ore in the world and have excellent mining conditions (sterile/ore ratio and deposit geomorphology)
plaster in use

Specific Properties of Plaster
1. High plasticity of the paste;
2. Fast setting and hardening;
3. Fineness equivalent to cement;
4. Small drying shrinkage power and volumetric stability, guarantee satisfactory performance when used as a binder in the manufacture of pre-molded or applied as a coating.
The property of absorbing and releasing moisture into the environment gives the coatings em plaster a high power of hygroscopic balance, in addition to acting as an inhibitor of propagation of flames, releasing water molecules when in contact with fire.

Gypsum is obtained by calcination (hot decomposition) of gypsum. In this reaction, the mineral, whose formula is CaSO4 2H2O (calcium sulfate bihydrate) loses one molecule and a half of water, turning into gypsum, whose formula is CaSO4 ½ H2O (calcium sulfate hemihydrate).
No processo de calcinação, também são separadas da gipsita as impurezas normalmente associadas ao minério, such as rock salt and limestone, among others.
Depending on the rate of calcination, gypsum decomposition can result in alpha plaster, or regular large crystals and alpha plaster beta plaster, with small e irregular crystals.
Gypsum is a thin white material that in contact with water hydrates, forming a_cc54cbb39-39 -136bad5cf58d_non-hydraulic and hard product. Gypsum production is carried out by mining and calcination of gypsum, a natural mineral produced by evaporation from the seas. The gypsum sheet and other derivatives plants of gypsum are relatively clean installations, which release almost only water vapor into the atmosphere._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-cc5836bad5 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Gypsum is one of the oldest building materials produced by humans, tal qual lime and terracotta.
Product Description
Product of great brightness having plasticizers and fungicides in its formulation. Its calcium sulfate content is balanced ensuring great structural power.